Finding happiness – Episode 2

Tekena hated nights such as this which
happened occasionally, his mom and sister
hated Deifa’s presence and vice versa, it
would have been better for everyone if she
moved out but she couldn’t do that.

Her late father had decreed in his will that she stay in the house until she was twenty five years and then she could control her
money and could do as she wished.
He’d had a hectic day as it was a Friday
and he’d been at his office for a while,
working and catching up on some things
he’d missed.

He was running a post graduate program at the same university Deifa attended which meant his business partner and best friend was left to handle most of the business, filling him in on new developments as they came up.

He really didn’t like the way his mom
treated Deifa, the girl wasn’t the best step
daughter a woman could have wished for
but surely there had to be a better way to
handle things. He’d always had a crush on
her since the day he’d seen her, she was a
beautiful lady but that didn’t cloud his


His mother had never handled things right with her, in the beginning
she’d tried but after years of rebuffs from
Deifa, his mother had given up trying and
now, didn’t even make an effort anymore.
He wasn’t sure what exactly his mom
should have done but if one really cared
about someone, one never stopped trying
to get through to the person, right?

That was his belief and he knew it wasn’t just because of his feelings for her which were quite intense as he thought about her
almost all the time except for when he was
working and even then, a fleeting thought
might crawl in. He was such a schmuck, an
overly infatuated schmuck.

His step sister was one of the popular
females in the school and he suspected that
was probably why Tonye envied her so
much. She seemed to have it all, looks,
money and then fame. The fame had come
as a result of winning the university
beauty pageant contest in her first year.
After that she, along with her closest
friend and second runner up at the
pageant, Lisa had started a nice club for
other hot girls in school like herself and
named it ‘Hot Pink’.


Click to Read : Finding Happiness – Episode 1


What they did mostly was organize events, raised funds and created awareness, often to help a cause in the school or some charity. The previous year, they had raised funds to get the computer science department up and running again, just one of their many causes.

At other times they organized
parties privately for whoever could afford
their fees. He’d heard guys say their parties and shows were awesome, interesting themes and not forgetting the hot chicks, female members of the club who ushered their events.

He was sure even if the parties were major flops, the pretty females at the event would definitely make up for it. With all her club duties she managed to do well in her academics but the only dirt to
her stunning slate was the loser whom
she’d been dating for two years now.

Tekena had always wondered why she
chose to date a tout out of all guys in the
school. Osaro, Deifa’s boyfriend although
from a wealthy family was known as one
of the worst personalities on campus.
Everyone knew he was a cultist and had
been in trouble with the school so many
times people had lost count, it was only his
father’s huge donations to the school and
close friendship with the V.C that kept him
from being expelled.

Tekena always wondered what she saw in
Osas, he didn’t even treat her well, they
fought in public almost everyday, he knew
Osas always got her upset; her frustration
was always written on her face anytime
they had a fight which was almost all the
time. He’d seen the sad look on her face
when she’d come into the living room that
night, she’d definitely had another fight
with the idiot, he was sure.

He usually sneaked glances at her
whenever he could, more than once he’d
heard her crying lightly in her rooms late
at night when she thought no one was
awake. He wished he could help out but
that was the last thing Deifa wanted, she
practically hated him, his mom and Tonye.
He’d tried his best.

Hang on for the Next

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