Dangerous Disguise – Episode 30

My breath caught in my throat, and the world seemed to spin around me. I was trapped, held captive by a man whose obsession had driven him to the brink of madness. The glint of the broken bottle’s edge against my skin sent shivers down my spine, and the fear that gripped me was paralysing.

“Please, Rowland,” I begged, my voice barely a whisper, “don’t do this. We can find a way to resolve this without violence.”

But his eyes, once filled with affection, were now clouded with derangement. He was no longer the man I had once loved; he was a stranger consumed by his delusions.

Ugochi had run away to the safety of her apartment after she realised that our lives were in danger. I hoped for my own good that she would at least call David.

“Get in the car!” he said, pointing at the passenger seat at the back of my car, his voice filled with desperation. “If you try to alert anyone or escape, I won’t hesitate to use this.” he warned as he released his tight grip on my wrist.

My mind raced. I needed a plan, a way out of this nightmare. As I entered my car, I frantically searched for a way to alert someone, anyone, to rescue me.

Rowland followed closely behind me, sitting beside me in the back passenger seat. “I’m all ears” he began “how do you intend to resolve this?” he asked.
“I – I – I” I began stuttering, “Before you continue. Take that thing off your finger” Rowland ordered, “what thing?” I asked, looking confused, “The stupid ring. Take it off, I don’t want to see it.”

My fingers were a little swollen as a result of the pregnancy. As a matter of fact, I was already starting to experience carpal tunnel syndrome. The only way my ring could be removed from my finger at that moment was if a hammer was used to break it off or if my finger was cut off from my hand.

By the way, I realise I dropped a big medical term that you may not understand, so let me explain. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that causes pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and wrist. It happens when there is increased pressure in the wrist which in turn puts pressure on a nerve called the median nerve that provides sensation to some fingers in the hand. Increased pressure can be caused by swelling in the hands and wrist which causes fluid to accumulate in the hands and wrist, putting pressure on the nerve. This type of swelling commonly happens in pregnancy, although, people who are not pregnant can also experience carpal tunnel syndrome, especially, if they use their wrists and hands a lot during work or sports, as in the case of tennis players or factory workers handling machinery and tools. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated using medication, wrist splints or surgery if all other treatments fail.

I fumbled with the engagement ring, attempting to remove it, but it remained stubbornly in place. The fear that gripped me seemed to intensify with Rowland’s growing frustration. His eyes were now filled with rage.

“I don’t have time for your games, Chioma!” he spat, his voice a harsh whisper. “If you don’t take that ring off right now, I’ll do it for you, and you won’t like how I do it.”

READ ALSO :Dangerous Disguise – Episode 28

My mind raced for a solution, desperate to calm him down. “Please, Rowland, just give me a moment. I’ll find a way to take it off, I promise,” I pleaded, my voice shaky.

I glanced around my car, searching for something that could help me remove the ring. My eyes fell on a small bottle of hand sanitizer I had in my bag. Desperation turned into inspiration as an idea formed in my mind.

“Look, Rowland, I have an idea,” I said, my voice steadier now, trying to buy time. “Hand me my bag. There’s a small bottle of hand sanitizer inside. Maybe it’ll help my fingers slide out of the ring.”

Rowland hesitated for a moment, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. But perhaps the glimmer of hope that I was cooperating flickered in his gaze. He tossed my bag towards me, I reached for the hand sanitizer, then I noticed my phone was ringing, it was David calling.
I pressed the green button to answer the call without putting the phone to my ears, so he could hear my ongoing conversation with Rowland and perhaps, realise I was in danger.

With David still on the phone, I hurriedly retrieved the hand sanitizer, my hands trembling as I opened it. “Please don’t stab me with that bottle Rowland” I shouted, so David could hear.

I poured a small amount of hand sanitiser onto my fingers and began to rub them together, hoping the slippery texture might aid in removing the ring. As I worked, I kept my eyes on Rowland, my voice gentle. “See, I’m trying, Rowland. You don’t need to threaten me with a broken bottle.” I shouted again.

But he was growing increasingly impatient, his grip on the broken bottle tightening. “Hurry up!” he snapped. “I don’t think it is a good idea for you to hold me hostage inside my car either” I added, “What if Ugochi calls the police, you realise that we are still parked in front of her apartment building , don’t you?” I added, my heart pounding in my chest as I continued to work the ring.

“Just shut up and focus on what you’re doing,” Rowland replied. And then, with a combination of the hand sanitizer and a twist in the right direction, the ring finally slid off my finger.

Relief washed over me, but I knew this wasn’t the end of the nightmare. Rowland was still holding the broken bottle, his eyes filled with a mix of desperation and anger. I held the ring out towards him, my voice as calm as I could manage. “Here, Rowland. Take the ring. Just please, let me go.”

“I’m not letting you go, till we resolve this.That’s why we’re here” Rowland replied. Now pick your phone and call that idiot and let him know, you’re no longer interested in getting married to him because you love me” Rowland ordered.

Trembling, I picked up my bag to retrieve my phone. I immediately hung up as I realised David was still on the call. Then I dialled his number again, “David” I said , my voice shaky. “Baby, just hang on. I’m on my way. Ugochi called and told me everything. I’m about 2 minutes away from her place. Just play along ok?” he said, reassuring me, “I- uhm- I” I began, “Go on” Rowland nudged. “You know what? Drop the phone on the chair and put it on speaker. I need to be sure you’re really speaking with David.” he ordered.
“O-ok” I responded, dropping the phone on the chair with my hands trembling. He pressed the speaker button himself, “say what you need to say” he whispered.

“David-I” I began. As much as I knew David was now in on everything that was going on, I just could not bring myself to say those words to him.

Almost immediately, David hung up. I looked around and noticed his car pulling up in front of mine. He jumped out immediately, walking towards us.

A sense of relief washed over me at the sight of David, my hero. He always came through for me at the right time. But my relief soon turned to shock and confusion.
David walked over to Rowland’s side of the car, forcing the door open. “Let her go,” he shouted, pointing a gun at Rowland. My head began to spin, I kept blinking my eyes to be sure I wasn’t seeing things. Many questions were running through my mind. Why was David holding a gun? Where did he get it? Who taught him how to use one?

Find out what happens next tomorrow in Episode 31 #checkwithdoctoro

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