Dangerous Disguise – Episode 27

Luckily, my father was still conscious, I was scared that he had passed out. I was about to lift him up by the arms with the help of my mum when I felt a knock on my head hard enough to cause a thunderclap headache.

Thunderclap headaches are rare and extremely painful headaches that start suddenly. The pain experienced with this type of headache is more intense when it just starts. The headache usually starts suddenly with intense pain in the first minute which lasts for at least 5 minutes, the intensity then begins to reduce or fade over the next few hours. People usually describe thunderclap headaches as the worst headache of their lives. Thunderclap headaches could sometimes be a sign of bleeding in the brain, other times, there may be no underlying medical condition causing them.

Strenuous exercises and even sexual activity can sometimes trigger thunderclap headaches. People experiencing thunderclap headaches should seek medical attention immediately to rule out possible life threatening causes like bleeding in the brain. Treating any underlying medical issues will help to resolve the headaches, however, if there are no underlying medical conditions detected, certain types of medications called NSAIDs can be prescribed to relieve symptoms.

My father had stretched his hand and given me a hard knock on my head, right in the centre, and unfortunately for me, I had braids on with a centre parting, it was like he had targeted the scalp between the centre parting.
“So this is your plan right? You want me to have a heart attack and die before my time?” he said, withdrawing his other hand from my mother’s grip and supporting himself with the sofa to stand up. I was too dumbfounded to even respond, I just sat there on the floor staring at him.

“After everything I did to make sure that you become somebody in life. This is how you want to repay me? Isn’t it?” he continued, “I-I didn’t plan for it to happen. I-It was a mistake” I managed to say. “Mistake you say?” my father continued, “was it an immaculate conception? Or is it a divine pregnancy?” he asked, “ were you walking on the street and pregnancy suddenly fell on you? Or someone put it in your food and you ate it by mistake?” he asked, looking sternly at me. “Just look at you” he said, sizing me up from head to toe. “Now you’re going to be struggling with pregnancy and housemanship at the same time. No one should talk to me about any marriage before you finish your housemanship.” he said walking away.

 READ ALSO :Dangerous Disguise – Episode 26

Eventually, after a few weeks, my mother was able to convince my Dad to meet David. A date was scheduled for David to visit my parents at home. I made sure to be home that weekend to ensure everything about the meeting went smoothly as planned.

David arrived at our home on the agreed date. I could see he was excited to meet my parents as he had been looking forward to this day, but at the same time, I could tell he was nervous about meeting my Dad, especially because of the circumstances surrounding the meeting. He had followed my advice and arrived in his least flashy car, trying to appear as unassuming as possible as I did not want my father to shift his focus from the purpose of the meeting and start asking too many questions about David.

David was dressed in a neatly tailored charcoal grey suit, a crisp white shirt, and a burgundy tie that complemented his features. The suit hugged his frame in all the right places, accentuating his tall and athletic build. He wore a subtle cologne that hung in the air as he walked into the living room. He bowed to greet my parents when he entered. My father, though visibly unimpressed, greeted him with a stern nod. My mum, on the other hand, was visibly impressed. I could tell by the smile on her face when she saw him. She had heard so many good things about him from me and had been looking forward to meeting him.

As we all sat in the living room, tension hung thick in the air. Despite the tension in the atmosphere, there was an air of confidence about David. His dark eyes held a determined glint, showcasing his resolve to win my father over.

“Dad, this is my fiancé, David. The one I told you about earlier” I spoke hoping to ease the tension. At the mention of the word fiancé, my father shot me a look that would have instantly killed me if looks could kill. “So he is the one that mistakenly got you pregnant right?” my Dad replied, turning to face David who looked confused but tried his best to hide his confusion.

“Sir, I sincerely apologise for having to meet you on this note” David said cutting in. “I and your daughter have known each other for quite some time. We decided that we would like to take our relationship to the next level. “ he continued. “We were supposed to have this meeting earlier to seek your blessings but somehow, things turned out a little differently from how we had planned it. I love your daughter and can’t imagine my life without her. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make her happy and to earn your trust.” David said maintaining a calm and composed demeanour.

It wasn’t just the suit or the way he looked; it was the way David carried himself—with poise and assurance. It was obvious that even my father, despite his initial reservations, couldn’t deny the charisma that seemed to radiate from David.

“I’m listening” my father managed to say as David spoke further about his plans for us.

Midway through the conversation, David reached into the bag he had brought and carefully pulled out a bottle of wine. With a grace that seemed to ease the tension in the room, he presented my father with a vintage wine bottle.

“Before I forget, Sir,” David said, his voice steady and respectful, “I wanted to express my gratitude for allowing me into your home tonight. I thought perhaps you would like this. It’s a Château Margaux, a 1961 vintage. I’ve heard it’s one of the finest wines in the world.”

My father’s eyes widened in recognition as he took the bottle in his hands. I had hinted to David about my father’s love for wine, but I had no idea that he would go all out. The wine cost well over $1500. My father carefully examined the label, his fingers tracing the embossed letters. The room seemed to quiet as he absorbed the rarity of the gift. I could almost see the connoisseur in him coming to life, appreciating the quality of the wine in his hands.

“A 1961 Margaux,” he murmured, his voice filled with awe. “A truly exceptional choice, David. You have impeccable taste.”

A flicker of a smile played on David’s lips. “I’m glad you think so, sir. I thought it might be a fitting tribute to this evening.”

I felt proud of David. I couldn’t help but steal glances at him every now and then. His confidence didn’t waver, and he engaged my father in conversation with a calm and composed demeanour. Every word he spoke seemed carefully chosen, his gestures polite and respectful.

Eventually, my father began to warm up to him, everything seemed to be going on well. Then suddenly, my Father asked, “So tell me David, where are you from and who are your parents?”

“I’m from Lagos state Sir. My Parents—” David began before my father interrupted, “Lagos as in that’s where you live or that’s where you’re from?” My father asked, trying to process what he had just heard. “I come from Lagos. Isale Eko to be precise” David explained. “Both my parents, although now late, were both indigenes of Lagos Island” David added.

“So that means you’re a Yoruba man then?” my father asked, his demeanour slowly beginning to change. “Yes Sir,” David replied with a smile.

“NDI OFE MMANU” my father shouted. “I’m sorry but you can’t marry my daughter” he said standing up and walking away to the shock and horror of everyone else. “Honey, please sit down and let’s finish this discussion” my mum pleaded, pulling him back. “There is nothing to discuss here. My decision is final” he said walking out of the living room.

Find out what happens next tomorrow in episode 28 #checkwithdoctoro

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